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Reiki during Pregnancy

Reiki takes you to that meditative, deep space where you can connect with your baby, relax and release stress.  Reiki can help with the aches, pains, stresses and sleeplessness of pregnancy.  Receiving Reiki while pregnant is powerful because the baby receives as well, so it is a gift to both you and your baby.  You can learn Reiki yourself to be able to give your baby Reiki anytime in-utero.  After Reiki 1 (1-day class) you can give this healing energy to yourself and your growing baby.  Reiki is also wonderful for birth-partners to learn.

Reiki during Labor & Birth

Reiki is incredibly helpful during labor and birth.  It promotes deep relaxation, lessons pain and relieves tension.  Reiki is a powerful tool for mamas, birth partners, doulas, midwifes, nurses, and physicians to have to aid women through the birth process.   I know  this from personal experience both receiving during childbirth and giving during other's birth's.   My surges/contractions felt much better when  I was receiving Reiki.  I am a strong supporter of couples having the support, information and tools to have healthy, safe and beautiful births.

Reiki for Post-Partum, Parenting  Self-Care

Reiki aids in healing more quickly both physically and emotionally post-partum.   As a social worker, I can work individually with you and your birth partner to process your experiences and as a Reiki Master I can help clear and balance you energetically. 


Reiki is also an amazing tool to have as a parent to promote health and wellness with your child/ren.  From teething, to fevers, to emotional upset, Reiki is helpful on all levels. 


The beauty of Reiki is you can do it on yourself, anywhere, anytime.  Parenting is  such a demanding, challenging and beautiful adventure and taking care of ourselves as parents is critical. 

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