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Reiki Sessions



Receiving a Reiki session is a deeply relaxing experience that creates healing, clears energy blockages and balances our energy system and meridians.  It is helpful for physical, emotional and mental imbalances or challenges.  The client lays fully clothed on a massage table and receives the energy with hands-on or above the body.


Currently Lindsay is giving sessions either at your home ($65 per hr) or at a distance while you are at home ($50 per hr).  Reiki works powerfully from a distance with many clients experiencing great results.


Reiki Circles

Gathering with other Reiki practitioners to give and receive Reiki can be a very powerful experience.  The energy is intensified with multiple practitioners.  Reiki Circles are also open to anyone new to Reiki who is interested and would like to receive.  Donation requested of minimum $7 - 10 for use of space and facilitating the Circle.  Circles are 4-5:30pm on the 2nd Friday of every month at the Yasodhara Yoga Studio in Browne's Edition.   No registration required.  Contact Lindsay with for more information. 413-6875 or

Home or Office Energy Clearings

Lindsay is skilled in working with the energy in homes, offices, etc. and can perform energy clearings.  Often heavy energies from past events or relationships can affect the people who live/work in that space.  This energy can be cleared and the space filled with energies of high vibration, having a positive effect on all those in the space. 

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